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My TTC Journey

Sunday, 22 February 2015
TTC = Trying to Concieve

I am aware I haven't spoken about this on here before.

The reason i haven't spoke about it out in the open is because i use real pictures of myself on here and wasn't sure i wanted everyone i know, knowing my business. Especially work. But i realised that no one reads this anyway so it's okay. :)

We have been trying for a baby since March 2014, but taking it seriously since about 2 months ago (Dec 2014)
I have been temping and using OPK since the beginning to help me recognise when I am ovulating. Most of the time i am ovulating fine. I think i have had 2 months where i haven't ovulated, which still isn't good.

I am currently trying to get my BMI down (it's 33.1), and I am on Slimming World. So far i have lost 9.5lb i think i need to lose 1st 9.5lb more to get it to where i want it for ttc.

Currently Reading - Zita West: Eat Yourself Pregnant

I really need to get my head around everything i need to eat at the right times. This book is for us both as a couple so i need to get the Mr on board which will be mega hard.
What annoys me though is that it's drilling into us at slimming world to use low fat everything, Diet coke, low fat yoghurts, semi skimmed milk etc etc. But this book doesn't like sweeteners or low fat so i'm in a dilemma. Do i use the low fat options to lose weight then swap when i get to my ideal bmi to fat stuff? Or do i just swap now but minimise my intake of trans fats etc.
Well I have already bought whole milk for my de-caff brews...and i am going to wean myself off sweeteners or sugar in my tea.

The big thing that i will struggle with is giving up my de-caff diet coke. That will be hard.
I can't survive on just water! :(

I am looking forward to trying this recipe: Courgette Chocolate Brownies

What else do I need to do?

Supplements: Vitex / Agnus Castus

I bought these tablets off Amazon last week, I have taken them for the past 4 days. It apparently helps to balance your hormones and help regulate the length of your cycle:

Irregular menstruation: Vitex has been shown to help balance both an absent menstrual cycle as well as aid a menstrual cycle that is heavy or too frequent.

Increased progesterone levels: Vitex has been shown to stimulate the formation of the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum is responsible for the secretion of progesterone. In a study of 45 women, 86% responded positively with normalized or significantly improved progesterone levels.

May help prevent miscarriage: Vitex has a beneficial impact on progesterone levels. If miscarriages are due to low progesterone, vitex may help to normalize or increase progesterone levels. Vitex may be considered safe to use during pregnancy, but make sure to consult with a healthcare practitioner when using this herb during pregnancy. Also make sure to read our ‘Use During Pregnancy’ section below.

Relieves PMS: Clinical research has shown that vitex may be very beneficial for PMS symptoms, especially depression, headaches, rashes, acne, allergies and sensitivity of the breasts. In one study improvement of PMS by the first month was experienced by 32% of the women. By the third month 84% of the women experienced improvement of their PMS.

So now i am well and truly on track to support my body in getting pregnant. I've just got to work on the Mr doing the same. Wish me luck!

xx Sarah

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