Every house needs a cat. FACT.
Seriously, I have grown up having a cat in my life. Our first cat was Sally, my mum and dad bought her as a kitten just before i was born and we grew up together. She died when she was 16. We then got Pippa, we had her for about two yrs, she had kittens. But then we realised my sister was allergic. Ooops. So we had to sell her. Then we got Charlie :) She is brilliant, I got her when she was a kitty from Hindley pet shop. She was born on the 4th July! :)
As i am about to move into my first home with Rick, I really really want a kitten. It's like tradition right? I just need to convince him that too. I have seen quite a few kittens i want but they are all really expensive. £100 is my limit.
But i want this one:
Beautiful Persian X Kitten For Sale.